Quicker! Who said *this*?
. "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent...
View ArticleMANIFESTO (Updated: with even more Waugh!)
. From The Christian Science Monitor: "Washington – In conservative circles, manifestos are all the rage. "On Wednesday, it was the Mount Vernon Statement, an affirmation of 'constitutional...
View ArticleWhich Obama Will Show?
. President Obama hosts his big Health Care Summit this Thursday at Blair House, just across from the White House. In theory it's to provide one last chance for Capitol Hill Democrats and Republicans...
View ArticleWish We'd Been Wrong. Gave it a shot, though. =Bummer Update=
. February 23, 2010: The White House officially takes the Public Option off the table August 16, 2009: HHS Secretary Sebelius tells America that when it comes to Health Care Reform the Public Option a...
View ArticleRoll Call: Profession, Age, Region. =Update=
. I just thought I'd go ahead and do it. Below is an Age Poll. In the comments, please type your profession (teacher, fire fighter, manager, accountant, farmer, student, technician, nurse...) in the...
View ArticleUp or Down Vote! (about friggin' time).
. Well, finally. "WASHINGTON – The White House called for a "simple up-or-down" vote on health care legislation Sunday as Speaker Nancy Pelosi appealed to House Democrats to get behind President...
View ArticleRangel's Ramblings. Congress thru the Looking Glass.
. The big stink over Harlem Congressman Charlie Rangel is this: "The ethics committee said Rangel violated standards of conduct by accepting 2007 and 2008 trips to Caribbean conferences that were...
View Article. As if we haven't been noting this about the GOP since, hell, 2001. From a Yahoo "Newsroom" report that cites a Politico "scoop":The memo candidly confirms that the aim of such caricature is to amp up...
View ArticleGOP Brings T'baggers/Liberals Together in the South
Right out of the gate: h/t to 'mooncat' and Left in Alabama& to Real Clear Politics for this No Laugh-Track Needed, the Guffaws Should Come Naturally This is a rather simple, "Before & After"...
View ArticleObama yesterday: "Roll Tide!"
. President Obama traveled to Pennsylvania yesterday and talked about something dealing some legislation having to do with some stuff and blah, blah, blah . . . But the important thing he did was...
View ArticleBernie Sanders on the White House's "tragic mistake."
. To wit: "that the White House fruitlessly chased Republican votes on health care rather than take advantage of the ripe environment to pass legislation." Here's another excerpt from the full...
View ArticleGhastly Al Qaeda Plot Uncovered. =Update=
. Just hitting the newswire: "The CIA has uncovered an al Qaeda plot to crash 1 fully-loaded 747 every other day for a full year and to continuing crashing 747s until the world bows to this...
View ArticleJesus Horsers Don't Like Tea.
. The weirdnesses, contradictions and rifts are running rampant within the so-called "Tea Party" movement. Here's the latest (but certainly not the largest) in a series of "clouds on the horizon" re...
View ArticleConservatives have always fought reform. And lost.
. Conservatives, Bigots, those in power who are loath to cede any of that power . . . they always fight tooth and nail against Reform. And -- eventually -- they always lose. Then you know what...
View ArticleHx Lesson: the 'scary thing' always eventually wins.
=A reworked and updated diary= Let history be your guide. Conservatives, Bigots, those who are loath to cede any Power... they always fight tooth & nail against...
View ArticleArtur Davis & the Other 33 "No" Dems. We'll remember.
. Last night 34 House "Democrats" voted "Nay" -- voted against HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Just as we've come to expect that mendacious, rapacious, citizen-betraying crap...
View ArticleScrew Me! (Updated)
. Just days old and already a Modern Classic (and I think Pulitzer worthy): From this site, by the way. And then there's the new Facebook page that a few (3 or 4) of my "friends" have...
View ArticleTo you Godless Atheists on Good Friday...
. . . . remember, the vast majority of Christians neither belong to creepy, hokey, but very dangerous Rapture Militias. Anyway, please enjoy this 3 min & 15 sec classic scene -- perhaps something...
View ArticleLeo Gerard, Pres. United Steelworkers. Damn you.
Earlier tonight United Steelworkers Pres. Leo Gerard was on "The Ed Show." Ed Shultz interviewed him re: the (ongoing) tragedy of at least 25 miners killed at the Montcoal, WV, Performance Coal...
View ArticleLimbaugh defends a pedophile. Reminds us of his own proclivities.
. I'm not saying Rush Limbaugh's a pedophile, that he's a fat old sweaty man who likes to have sex with children. But since he's the de facto head of the Republican Party, I think asking whether his...
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